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Light and Refreshing Gin "Mojito" Cocktail

Sarah Williams

Looking for a tasty and refreshing cocktail without all the calories this summer? Try this easy, sugar free twist on the popular MOJITO!

#gin #mojito #mint #cocktail

Seeing our MINT come up out of the ground is one of my favorite times of the year because, ONE, it means spring is finally here and TWO, it also means MOJITO season has arrived!

I'm a huge fan of the regular mojitos that call for WHITE RUM and SIMPLE SYRUP, along with with usual MINT, LIME, and SODA WATER, and I actually make those quite frequently, BUT sometimes these warmer nights just call for GIN.

I think this mojito twist adds a bit more sophistication with the gin instead of rum and if you omit the simple syrup, it's light and bright without the calories!

Here's what you'll need:

  • A cocktail shaker.

  • Crushed ice if you have it (our fridge makes it), but regular is fine.

  • Your favorite gin.

  • Mint - we bought a spearmint plant a couple years ago and it's now a ground cover trying to take over one of the flower beds haha!

  • Lime. I suggest 2 limes for a 16oz. drink. I like it lime-y

  • Soda water. Any kind will do. Club soda is a bar staple but Lime La Croix is a great option. Remember I'm a lime-girl.

Remember, these are the ingredients for a NON-sweetened drink!

***IF you prefer some sweetener, a few of squeezes of Agave Nectar in your shaker should do the trick. You can also make a quick simple syrup by heating up 1 cup water and 1/2 cup sugar until sugar is dissolved. Let this simple syrup cool before using.

Okay, ready.

Now here's what you do:

1. Tear off 7-10 mint leaves (rinse first).

2. Muddle those leaves in your shaker. I use a wooden spoon or anything that looks like it would be good at smashing and ripping up those leaves. Muddle is a funny word.

3. Next, cut and squeeze your two limes in.

Cutie little shaker:



4. Add 1.5 ounces of gin.

5. Add 1/2 cup of crushed ice.

6. Shake *40 times and then pour over a half glass of ice.

*My oldest asked me what I was doing while shaking the shaker and I said, "Shaking it 40 times;" and she responded, "40, like how old you are!" Errr, thanks for the reminder, oldest child of mine (she's 7 ha!)

**And if you like sweet, you'd add it in before giving it your best 40 year old shake ;).

At least it makes the prettiest murky concoction you ever did see and fills up about half of your 16oz. glass:

And lastly,

7. Pour sparkling water in to fill up the rest of the glass.

8. Add a mint "topper"because it's cute but especially fabulous to get an extra mint sniff with each sip. It really does make the drink taste that much more crisp and light tasting!!!

9. ENJOY!!!

Cheers and I hope you like this refreshing and light warm weather cocktail!

Pin this to make later!

Linking some of my gin mojito items below. Just click on each word:


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