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February Friday Favorites 2

Sarah Williams

My favorites on a Friday! Come see what we are loving and using in our home this season!

If you missed the last Friday Favorites post, you can find that here. I also shared our favorite 3 Meat Chili Recipe AND my Affordable Black Dining Room Chair Round-Up this week if you'd like to check out those! And if you're here for the free March Printables, you can find them at the bottom of this post! Now, some of my favorite things:

1. Electric Fireplace. I shared how much we love our new Samsung Frame Tv in the addition last week. What sits below it is an electric fireplace (or the GIANT IPAD as Bill calls it). When we designed the new room, I really wanted a floor to ceiling bump-out for a fireplace, but when we got into the construction, we had to weigh the options between a vented and a ventless gas fireplace. Between the high cost (vented) and potential danger (ventless) of both of these options, I jokingly mentioned an electric fireplace instead. Bill said he couldn't think of anything cheesier than walking up to a giant ipad and touching buttons to change the "flame" from blue to purple to pink. Now, while those colors are the girls' favorites to display, we can honestly say that we are obsessed with this and it has been a great addition to the addition ;).

2. Candle Accessories - Snuffer and Wick Trimmer. I didn't know how much I needed these in my life until I put them in my stocking this Christmas! Who knew that I needed a candle snuffer to keep the kids from leaning too close after arguing about who gets to blow out the dinner candles (June's hair was almost a casualty once or twice), and a wick trimmer to start with a tamed flame to also prevent the almost said casualty. I feel like I need to gift other people besides myself with these gems. ;)

3. Electric Lighter. Sticking with the "electric" and "candle" themes from above, this next favorite deserves it's own section - LIKE, WHERE IN THE WORLD HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! This baby gets plugged in and charged at the computer and then actually lights things... MIND BLOWN... and this is why this made it into Bill's stocking this past Christmas!

4. Winter Skin Help. Last week was homemade olive oil body scrub, this week is facial oils! If you have the driest of dry skin like me and suffer through long Midwestern winters, then you might already use some kind of facial oil every night before bed too, haha (and lets not forget the Aquaphor and sock trick on the hands that works wonders, as well! Jojoba and Rose Hip are usuals in the rotation and some new ones just came in.

5. Secondhand Arhaus Buffet Hutch. $8,000 to $800 - my favorite recent Marketplace score. I was looking for a large item to fill this wall in the great room and provide dining room storage and I just couldn't pass this up. Yes, it's still pricey and not in new condition, but when I found this quality piece, I knew that it might not come around again. *A second person on Marketplace was asking $2,500 for just the bottom buffet part, so I will consider this an extra big win for this extra big piece.

I still need to style it but it's already a good beast on this wall. ;)

***The debate is out whether or not to paint it or leave it as is. So I'm going to live with it like this for awhile and wait until we have more pieces in that room.

What do you think I should do?

6. Irish Blessing Printable. And lastly, with St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, I thought it would be nice to display an Irish blessing in our house as I am 1/8 Irish, after all, wink, wink. St. Brigid is another one of Ireland's patron saints and her feast day was February 1st. And besides, it's never too early to don the green, right?!

Please enjoy these free 3 downloadable prints to use in your home in the month of March or anytime! You can click on each image but they will also always be on the Printables page, accessible on the home page on whenever you'd like to download and print them.

St. Brigid Blessing, Irish Blessing, March Printable

St. Brigid Blessing, Irish Blessing, March Printable

St. Brigid Blessing, Irish Blessing, March Printable

I hope you all had a wonderful week and may Brigid bless the house that shelters you!


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